
The simplest way to install Captus is to create an isolated software environment using conda, if you don’t have conda we recommend to install miniconda from Once you have conda installed in your system you need to configure your channels:

conda config --prepend channels bioconda
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
conda config --show channels

The last command should show your current channels, the order matters:

  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defaults

Now we are ready to create a separate environment for Captus:

conda create -n captus captus

conda sometimes takes too long to find and configure dependencies, if that happens we recommend installing mamba first, and installing Captus with it:

conda install mamba
mamba create -n captus captus

Once Captus is installed in its own environment, let’s activate it:

conda activate captus

And that is all! Notice that the beginning of your prompt should have changed from(base)$ to (captus)$ as we activate the environment.

Just to verify it is correctly installed try typing captus_assembly --help, if everything went OK you should see the following output in the terminal:

usage: captus_assembly command [options]

Captus 1.0.0: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data

Captus-assembly commands:
  command     Program commands (in typical order of execution)
                clean = Trim adaptors and quality filter reads with BBTools, run
                        FastQC on the raw and cleaned reads
                assemble = Perform de novo assembly with MEGAHIT: Assembling reads
                           that were cleaned with the 'clean' command is
                           recommended, but reads cleaned elsewhere are also allowed
                extract = Recover targeted markers with BLAT and Scipio: Extracting
                          markers from the assembly obtained with the 'assemble'
                          command is recommended, but any other assemblies in FASTA
                          format are also allowed.
                align = Align extracted markers across samples with MAFFT or MUSCLE:
                        Marker alignment depends on the directory structure created
                        by the 'extract' command. This step also performs paralog
                        filtering and alignment trimming using ClipKIT

  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit
  --version   Show Captus' version number

For help on a particular command: captus_assembly command -h

The manual way

You will have to install all the the dependencies separately yourself:

Captus was written for python >= v3.7, the only required library is tqdm but if you want to produce the HTML reports you will also need pandas and plotly

* Bundled with Captus

Once you have all the dependencies installed you can proceed to clone the repository and install Captus as described before:

git clone
cd Captus
pip install .

If you don’t want to install Captus you can simply add the directory where you cloned the repository to your system $PATH and use instead of captus_assembly

Created by Edgardo M. Ortiz (06.08.2021)
Last modified by Edgardo M. Ortiz (21.11.2023)